PUG 2017
On 25 September 2017 PKB held its first users' group meeting in Euston, London and the agenda was as follows in the videos below
The videos have captions so you can see the transcript if you can't hear or want to switch off your computer's sound. Click the (CC) icon to display these.
Introduction: history and future of PKB: Mohammad Al-Ubaydli, CEO
Keynote: expert patient's perspective: Paul Decle
Presentations by PKB team
Benefits realisation: NHS tariffs, business cases, population health: Sally Rennison, Business Development, PKB
Customer success: how to get training, support, advice on using more features and updates about new features: Rhiannon Thomas, Customer Success Lead, PKB
New features: go through PKB roadmap: Shailesh Suri, Product Manager, PKB
PKB staff Q&A
Case studies by customers
HL7 integrations: John Kelly, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Virtual clinics: Matt Johnson, Luton and Dunstable University Hospital
Care / discharge planning: Reston Smith, North Bristol NHS Trust
Panel Q&A with the speakers and PKB
Afternoon session: Deep dives
After lunch PKB staff led 4 table presentations which the delegates attend in circulation across the afternoon covering the following topics:
Patient engagement: Katie Bettell-Higgins, VP of Customer Success, PKB
Information governance: David Grange, Compliance Lead, PKB
Care planning: Customer Success team, PKB
Signing up / registering patients: letter-registration workflow by Nick Jones, Customer Success, PKB