Artwork and Templates
This toolkit includes links to artwork and templates that you can use to promote the new service. Throughout this toolkit we have provided ideas for how you can make the best use of these resources. Simply click on the highlighted links to access the materials.
Disclaimer: The illustrations, photographs and materials are licensed for use in the specified PKB campaign only and may not be extracted, reproduced or used for any other purpose. The Patients Know Best logo must always appear in the position indicated with the NHS logo in the top right in accordance with NHS identity guidelines.
Information should be shared with patients, their carers and your health and care teams using all the available platforms - and by making the most of any engagement opportunities. From information in waiting rooms, canteens, at events and through social media, it’s important to give your audience as many opportunities as possible to view and engage with your key messages.
Internal communications (staff engagement materials)
Your internal intranet site is the reference point for all your communication with staff. It should also be the 'go to' place for staff to understand more about PKB and how it will be used in your deployment. Use this content to share everything your teams will need to know in advance of patient registration.
Top tip! Use the PKB icon as a ‘quick link’ across your intranet to familiarise staff with the new service.
The information below is intended to support:
Outpatient teams
Information/ reception desk staff
Switchboard teams
Patient Advice and Liaison Services
Meet and greet staff/ volunteers
This briefing document is essential to support staff to quickly answer any questions or concerns from patients. Simply tailor, then print and handout to staff. Alternatively, ask team leaders to email this as an attachment along with a brief explanation.
3. Questions and Answers (for health and care professionals)
When introducing any new service, it's common for staff to seek additional information. Sharing information in advance about the things they'll most likely ask about, can provide them with the reassurance that you've understood and addressed any concerns they may have. These Q&A's can added to or tailored to suit your deployment.
4. Screensavers
Share visuals on screensavers to spread the message across all your sites. This is a great way to share details of your implementation plan and the associated timescales in advance of ‘go-live’.
Sketch file (All design assets and artwork are licensed to be used to promote PKB products and services only)
5. Email signatures (add icon)
Spread the word across your organisation and partnerships by asking your staff to add information to their email signatures to inform wider stakeholders about the model your organisation is adopting to share information with patients and potentially, their staff. This should link to the information on your public website so it is accessible by anyone outside your organisation.
Top tip! Use the PKB icon to link stakeholders to the information on your website.
6. Payslip advert
Advertising on paper payslips is by far, the sure way to reach all staff. A simple message on payslips can ensure all your staff have the information needed in advance of engaging patients.
7. Social media posts
Almost everyone has a smartphone these days so engaging with your workforce through social media is a sure way to reach them and share information about the service. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn can be the most effective for this audience. And, because you’ll generally have a limit to the number of characters you can use, you can share your key messages in a less formal way than corporate messaging. Again, by measuring impressions and engagement rates so you can tailor or adapt your messaging depending on what works best. Furthermore, eye-catching visuals can ensure your content stands out from all the other noise in the news feeds.
External communications (patient engagement materials)
The first thing patients may do when they receive an invitation to register by email or SMS is to check your website. If they cannot easily find information on the home page, they do not register so it is important to direct them from your homepage and provide easy access to login from any page on your website.
The login page is best when it matches the rest of your website and integrates into the navigation. The PKB team will create a page for you that matches your website. The PKB page will include the navigation bar of your website, and your website should include the PKB page in the navigation. It is important that the link is at the top level of your navigation, not buried in menus. This is where consumer websites include login links, so patients already expect to find the link there to digitally engage. For your clinicians, this is confirmation that they use access to the record as a key part of health care delivery.
For further information, a dedicated web-page on your organisations website which explains more about PKB, the benefits and how patients can sign up or get more information is a minimum requirement for any campaign. This is your main reference point which can be linked to to provide more granular information if required. We recommend that organisations use this link to provide FAQs as we continuously keep this information up to date as improvements with the platform are available.
Add images of the PKB user interface for your communications campaign. Simply download the images from this PowerPoint file. You can also add your logo to tailor the images for your organisation.

To advise patients in anticipation of their forthcoming registration invite, we recommend that the inviting Trust sends an email communication to all NEW PATIENTS ONLY to explain why and how they will be invited to register for PKB. Please:
Only send a pre-invite communications email to patients that have records created in PKB
Do not send a pre-invite communications email to patients that have already registered with PKB.
Please read the full pre-registration comms workflow process here if you would like PKB to send it on your behalf.
4. Press release for the launch of PKB
Press releases are a great way to secure instant exposure and to help boost the effectiveness of your campaign. They help to spread the word amongst your local community, letting patients know about the new service available to them – and encouraging them to register. Press releases help to add credibility to your campaign, highlighting the key features that PKB offers and the key benefits they will bring to patients – a great way to ensure location-targeting so you can reach the patients in your region.
5. Social media sample posts (click to access)
Building an effective social media presence will help you to reach out to patients directly and create positive interactions – by sharing relevant and creative content that delivers value for them. It offers a highly significant marketing channel, allowing you increase awareness of the campaign in a less formal way, while also being able to measure impressions and engagement rates so you can tailor your messages accordingly, based on what works best. Make sure to use eye-catching visuals to make your content more engaging and shareable! Please also tag Patients Know Best on your social media so that we can support your campaign and create brand awareness amongst the user group.
Twitter: @patientsco
6. Poster series
Display information in waiting areas, entrances or even billboards so all patients, regardless of whether they have access to online channels, have a good understanding of how to access their health record to manage their health. These posters are available as Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe Illustrator files.
PowerPoint - (customise with your logo and your PKB webpage link)
Design files (All design assets and artwork are licensed to be used to promote PKB products and services only)
Web banners are immediately noticeable and therefore a great way to advertise your new service online – they can be static or animated, providing a simple image or visual to encourage patients to click through so they can be directed to the right page and encouraged to register, while also sharing a simple message at the outset. Click-through rates can then also be easily measured and monitored.
8. GiF (animated images)
Animated images are a beloved form of communicating online! They can serve as a perfect visual component (on social media) that is immediately relatable and engaging, and therefore offer great shareable potential, encouraging people to pay a closer look to the campaign message. The right GIFs also help to add personality and creativity, making your communications more charismatic. They are great for summarising content and avoiding information overload – a fun way to bring key messages to life.
9. Short video
Display this video in waiting rooms to give patients a quick preview of the benefits of accessing their health records.
10. Roller banners
Roller banners can quickly draw attention to the unique benefits that PKB offers for patients. They provide the perfect signage for events and exhibitions, or even in your reception area/foyer, allowing key points to be communicated quickly by capturing patients’ interest to encourage them to register or find out more. Being portable means you can display them wherever they are more likely to be seen

Roller banner - psd. design file - You can use the design file provided to get your designer to create the roller banners or you can create your own designs.
11. Patient leaflet
Patient leaflets can provide more detailed information regarding the unique benefits of PKB – unlike digital advertising, they are not restricted by word limit or the need to get all key messaging across quickly. While being visually appealing, patients can take them away and read and refer to them at their own pace – with key points broken down so they understand exactly what the system offers them, in simple terms. You can display them on tables and in reception areas, instantly placing them in front of patients so they have all the information they need available to them – an effective way to cut through online noise.

Artwork - Black and white version
Artwork - Colour version full bleed (suitable for professional printing)
Black and white version full bleed PDF (suitable for professional printing)
Colour version full bleed PDF (suitable for professional printing)
12. Clinical Engagement - Helping your specialty teams Go Live
When a team has mapped out how they are going to use PKB with their patients, there’s an important step for the team to take before the team Go live, that is letting their patients know they have a PKB record and which main features the team will begin using with them. These are :
Care planning
Giving them their blood results and clinical letters
PKB have created some content below for you to use.
Top tip! Use the PKB heart icon as a ‘quick link’ across your website to help increase patients’ familiarity with the platform.