Cardiology Teams

PKB is being successfully used by different cardiology teams in the NHS. The teams have found the following workflows very effective in supporting patients to better self-manage their cardiac condition.

Key features

  • Dynamic care plans for patients to track and record symptoms and measurements

  • Secure messaging for professionals and patients

  • Patients receive blood results into the record

  • cardiac teams have the ability to see data from other care providers using PKB

Heart failure patients workflow

Patients are given the Heart Failure care plan by the Heart Failure Team (HFT) to track their symptoms related to their heart failure and record their blood pressure. The care plan has advice, videos and an escalation plan for when it’s needed. The care plan is reviewed by the HFT in the patients appointment.

‘PKB has allowed me to encourage patients to record their BP readings at home more frequently and adjust meds.’

Further information