How to Deploy PKB
Introducing change of any kind within organisations is difficult. It involves individual behaviour, team behaviour, organisational behaviour and often culture too.
We have developed various common tools and practices that can be used to support our customers through this change, taking into account the fact that each deployment is unique yet sharing similar challenges and opportunities.
In this section you will find information on:
Deployment Management: Key processes, roles and tools
Workstreams Overview: PKB's 8 equally important workstreams
Information Governance (IG): Giving data subjects access to and control over the sharing of their data
Record Creation and Integrations: Connecting systems around the patients
Registrations: Inviting patients to PKB
Communications: Educating and engaging professionals and patients
Training: Creating in-house PKB experts
Support: Providing a service to users
Clinical Transformation: Our core mission
Sustainability: Making PKB a record for life