Maternity Teams
Maternity teams are using PKB to give patients assess to their blood results, clinical and appointment letters (sent to the patient's record from the hospital integration with PKB) and provide them with care plans and a resource library that will support them through their pregnancy and birth.
Current problems
Teams experience a high level of face to face appointments
Telephone conversations are lengthly
Teams want ‘to provide patients with a digital maternity care plan
Teams want to give patients online resources
Teams want patients to have access to their maternity blood results
PKB solution
Midwife-led care from 12 weeks to 42 weeks can all be done through PKB, with the use of care plans, messaging, the library and giving patients access to their data, i.e blood test results, appointments and clinic letters
PKB enable patients to feel in control of their pregnancy with access to care plans like My Choices for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond care plan which is designed to be shared digitally with anyone involved in the pregnancy.
PKB allows patients to monitor any symptoms and track measurements relevant to their pregnancy in a digital Personal Health Record that can be shared with health care professionals involved in their care.
PKB feature
Maternity Care Plans
Giving women/parents a digital care plan, My Choices for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond care plan will allow them to have access and share the care plan with anyone involved in their care. Midwives don't rely on the patient bringing it to their appointment.
If a woman has complications related to their pregnancy, i.e. high blood pressure the team can start them on the High blood pressure care plan pathway, where they can monitor their blood pressure at home and track any symptoms related to their high blood pressure in pregnancy.
Team-Based Messaging
Within the women's PKB record, they have the ability to message their specialist teams, have a personalised care plan, and a place to track and monitor any symptoms and measurements throughout their pregnancy.
Add and viewing data
Women/parents have the ability to view data sent to their record from the hospital integration, such as their maternity blood tests and to add information about themselves, like their past medical history, any operations or conditions. Women can also track their weight and blood pressure and add any symptoms related to their pregnancy.
Women/parents will have the maternity team attached to the woman record, they can also add anyone else attached to their care, ie a Doula, private midwife, their birth partner and any other health care professionals from any preexisting conditions they have.
A digital birthing plan that is sharable to anyone involved in the pregnancy
Personalised care plan for antenatal and postnatal care
Secure messaging between patients & midwife team, direct messaging avoid long call waits
Digitally appointment letters and appointments, no missed appointments
Laboratory results, no unnecessary phone calls to find out results
Receive maternity outcome letters digitally
Digital Maternity notes
A place for all a patients maternity care to happen
Maternity symptom and measurement tracker
Maternity comms example
When offering PKB to your maternity cohort, it's very important to give them information on how they can use their PKB record to manage their pregnancy and what key features the team are going to use with them throughout their pregnancy, ie care planning and the ability to message the team.

Example goal for using PKB
Improve patient outcomes by providing patients with blood results and clinical letters and a personalised care plan with information to support them throughout their pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Workflow for Maternity pathway
Midwife: book first appointment
Patient: views appointment
Patient: attends the appointment
Midwife: adds and completes My Choices for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond care plan to patients record
Patient: views, updates and shares My choice for pregnancy, birth and beyond care plan
Midwife: reviews and edits care plan at each appointment with the patient
Workflow for patients with high blood pressure
Before PKB: ‘Patients were seen in hospital on a weekly basis for BP readings and Urinalysis. A lot of telephone calls from patients enquiring about their blood test results.’
After PKB: ‘Patients and midwives are easily able to monitor measurements and test results within PKB. It has reduced the number of phone calls and attendance into hospital from patients.’
Further information
Maternity care plan templates: example of My high blood pressure in pregnancy and My Choices for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond care plan and workflows
Maternity consultation template: first appointment questionnaire for pregnant women/parents to complete
Maternity Smart Goals: examples of SMART goals written by maternity teams